Dream Scenario

Released November 10, 2023 

Written and Directed by Kristoffer Borgli

*  Very Limited Spoilers *

Dream Scenario is melancholic surrealist dark comedy starring Nicolas Cage. This is a movie where the less you know going in the better. If you are at all interested in watching I would honestly skip the review, despite it being largely spoiler free. The basic premise is: people around the world start to see the same quiet unassuming man (Nicolas Cage) show up in their dreams. That is as far as I’ll go because if you aren’t already intrigued I doubt learning more about would sway you. 

A24 is one of my favourite studios. They are known for producing unique and original films that go against the typical safe corporate movies. They tend to not interfere with their creatives and allow their directors to showcase their own unique voice and vision. If you’ve seen Everything Everywhere All at Once, Uncut Gems, or Green Knight you are familiar with the type of stories they like to bring to the cinema. Like other A24 movies, this is not tailored to appeal to a wide audience, it is odd, quirky, and simultaneously uncomfortable and hilarious. 

I was not familiar with Norwegian director Kristoffer Borgli but he did a phenomenal job of directing this ridiculous and absurdist comedy. Tonally this reminded me of a cross between a Martin McDonagh dark comedy (In Bruges, Banshees of Inisherin) and an Adam McKay satirical social commentary (The Big Short). I should be clear, this is not horror movie, nor is it a straight comedy. It blurs the lines of genre and uses this to its advantage to keep the audience on its toes. Using elements of all of these to great effect. Without that tinge of strange hilarity this story could be tragic or depressing but that’s what makes it so captivating. Its messaging is clear but is presented with enough humour and self-awareness that it keeps the experience feeling entertaining and thought provoking rather than preachy. 

Nicolas Cage is a phenomenon and his presence was enough to make me excited watch this movie. Cage has made a career out of his odd, awkward, and enigmatic personality. There are entire compilation videos of his most ridiculous performances. His persona is so prolific that even those who haven’t seen any of his movies know him from the countless memes. For the longest time, Nicolas Cage presented himself as a serious actor, being cast in over the top 90’s action movies like Con Air or Face/off where people might have criticized his acting talents. Things have changed and recently he’s had a renaissance. Movies like The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent or Renfield, lean into Nicolas Cage being a caricature of himself, they relish in the absurdity of his performances, and completely give in to that persona, or in something like Pig they deliberately play against it. 

His performance in Dream Scenario is incredible. While the movie doesn’t rely on his casting, I couldn’t imagine anyone else taking on this role. The major hook that got me to watch this movie was Nicolas Cage in such a ridiculous premise. The character that he plays is so far from over the top, enigmatic, or curiously charismatic. He’s boring, mundane, pathetic and the archetypical loser. You could’ve easily cast someone else in the role as there are dozens of actors who fit the archetype, but no one else would have the enigmatic draw like Nicolas Cage. It’s that juxtaposition that makes his performance and presence so compelling. Casting him as a boring professor with dreams of being published is perfect. He is the ultimate victim; passive, lacking ambition, and constantly blaming others for his own failures.

He is an excellent vehicle to explore society’s obsession with fame. Exploring how a character like this would react to an unexpected and unconventional path to pseudo-celebrity status. The narrative focusses on all aspects of being in the public consciousness, its thrills, challenges, and perks. It also is a strong critique of consumerism and monetization, showing the absurdity of (literally) capitalizing on every opportunity. The way entire businesses are created out of public relations, promotion, and the industry of fame.

Dream Scenario also discusses the desire to leave a legacy and living a memorable life. Now more than ever people are concerned with not being forgettable or forgotten. We crave leaving a lasting impact on the people around us or even those we don’t know around the world. The rise of social media, and the accessibility to a global audience has changed the way people perceive their reach. Opportunity for global influence has been liberated and is no longer relegated to the most important figures in society. You don’t need to be President or a brilliant scientist to have the eyes and ears of the world, even if that attention is brief and fleeting. The way this relatively short (1 hour and 45 min) dark comedy explores those ideas with such nuance is remarkable. 

From a technical perspective this is a very interesting movie. It looks like it was shot on film with lots if grain and even some shots that are slightly out of focus. It lacks the clean sanitized look of most digital cinema and makes everything feel simultaneously more realistic but also dreamlike. It catches you off guard and contributes to the otherworldly quality of the movie. As the name and premise suggest, there are multiple dream sequences in the movie and at times it is hard to distinguish when a particular scene is a dream or reality. That said there is still little ambiguity about what actually takes place in the story, the movie is not trying to trick you or make you question what was a dream. It’s straight forward in separating those worlds to make the greater thematic points. 

The editing is fantastic as well. On a few occasions the camera cuts rapidly between shots matching the eye lines of a character, like a fleeting glance that quickly pulls away when its caught. It’s an effective technique and just one of the many examples of creating meaning through the contrast between two single frames. 

If the premise and themes weren’t enough for you and you are not a fan of Nicolas Cage, this movie probably won’t be something you will enjoy. However, if you have been a fan of the memes or you just find his peculiarity as intriguing as I do, then this movie is absolutely for you. The other performances are also great. There a handful of brief supporting roles from more famous actors but the rest of the cast is largely unknown. They are deliberately casting people who feel “normal”, any one of these actors could be a real person you know or interact with. They feel more authentic and realistic, rather than being seen as the actor. This is definitely intentional and helps to centre the narrative on Cage as the lead. 

8/10 - Dream Scenario is the perfect premise for me, it’s about dreams, stars Nicholas Cage, and is produced by A24, but I appreciate that it definitely won’t be for everyone. It won’t leave you feeling satisfied or happy, but will definitely get you thinking while getting more than a few laughs out of you by the time it’s done. You do not need to see this in a theatre to enjoy it, but if you do end up watching this at home I definitely recommend to not break this up into multiple sittings. Lock in for 1 hour and 45 minutes and let yourself get immersed in this for all of its weirdness. 
